ThinkLemon Reset: Part 1.1 – Code Cleanup and Validation

Article: ThinkLemon Reset After having thrown out the CSS last month, I’ve been messing with the templating code that make up this WordPress theme. Though the default Kubrick theme is great, it took me a while to get all bits sorted out. Some cleaning up, re-arranging, looking up, inline documenting, debugging, etc. led to what you’re looking at now. Sound HTML markup (~semantically correct) that happens to validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict.
That last bit was evidently a case of ‘because I can’. But also a target to aim for.

ThinkLemon Reset Part 1 - Text-only

Still, the site looks like utter garbage. (see figure above) Some CSS is present only to emulate a text-browser/screen-reader of some sorts. For anyone with a regular browser it’s no good having a single small-width column containing everything including the navigation. As you may have noticed…

Everything you might need is present, it’s not very usable for the general public. Therefore, up next is the layout. More on that later or keep an eye on these pages.

Note: With ‘~semantically correct’ I meant that I tried to arrange the HTML in such a way that headings, body text, images, links, anchors and ‘what not’ make sense. Sense in such a way that search engines and people with a disability are able to access and understand the content better. According to ‘Section 508’ and ‘WAI’ I comply. For the most part that is. But validation by a human (with a disability) is still unsurpassed. So let me hear it. What else can be improved?

Update: I replaced the basic CSS with something nicer to read.

3 responses to “ThinkLemon Reset: Part 1.1 – Code Cleanup and Validation”

  1. Your Urchin Tracker is not defined, other than that, very nice job IMO (Firebug). Good to see you are Green though!

    Now I feel guilty, Lord knows I have plenty of CSS in my WP 2.0 theme lol.

  2. Thanks!
    Although my firebug’s giving me the nice green ok-sign… :-S
    You’re not adblock-in’ Google are you? 😉

    BTW: having a ‘go/green’ from firebug, web developer & html validator (tidy) has become something of an obsession, lately …

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