Google Analytics… *Big Yawn*

So 48 hours after launch the site is at least reachable. But still no data to analyse. Thus no comparison. A vague memory begins to boil up, I have never, ever, seen any Urchin report before. Although previously encountered hostingproviders offered them…
(I’m starting to see a trend here…)

It’s beginning to look like, as we say in The Netherlands: “Doodgemaakt met een blije mus.” I won’t translate, because the finesse will be lost. And to the Dutch: Yes it’s spelled wrong.

I’ll leave the smart comments to Steve Rubel and Technorati. *signing off*

Update (16-11 11:00 GMT+1): The data is up! Finally ๐Ÿ™‚ Let’s see how it fares…

Update 2 (16-11 17:15 GMT+1): It’s only ‘old’ data from 1.5 day of measurements. No new data has been added this afternoon. So much for the hourly update. ๐Ÿ™
BTW: The launch of Google Base today does not seem to be a problem. ๐Ÿ™„

Update 3 (17-11 13:15 GMT+1): And it gets even better, I ‘Can not sign in‘.

Update 4 (18-11 13:00 GMT+1): Finally some confirmation: I have installed Google Analytics, but all or some of my data is missing from my reports.

Currently, report updating for Google Analytics is experiencing delays. As a result, you may not be seeing any data in your reports even after implementing the Analytics tracking code.

Update 5 (24-11 14:00 GMT+1): Registered users received an official e-mail from Google confirming all the trouble. I must say, things are working a little better these days.

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