The latest addition to the online mapping frenzy comes from none other than (that search engine that fired its card-bored butler remember?).
At you can find maps and directions. A first glance may remind you of that other mapping solution. But … this one is aware of roads in the rest of the world, outside of the U.S.A. (& UK), as Tagzania found out before me. Kudos to them. 🙂
Playing around with it though, this one caught my eye. An obscure censoring of a piece of The Hague, The Netherlands.
As far as I know there aren’t any military, civilian or government installations in that area. Why anyone wants to censor a normal residential area with a kindergarten inside? Beats me.
Google does show the contents BTW.
Come to think about it. Currently there’s a lot of construction work going on in that park that’s being obscured… ahemmm
Update (2006-04-24): It seems that the latest image update of Google (Maps & Earth) also censors this specific block. Albeit in a more gentle way. Nonetheless, it still baffles me why. Maybe it’s a trap street?