Category: Internet Explorer

  • The end of IE 5

    I’ve given up on IE 4 and Netscape 4 a while ago. Meaning I won’t do anything extra for them anymore. They’ll just have to take the page as-is, no unnecessary or fatal script errors though, but that’s where it ends. If it doesn’t work or looks horrible, too bad. So how about IE 5?…

  • Tabbed browsing in IE is here

    Well, you’ll have to download and install the MSN Search Toolbar first. But this is the official Microsoft add-on to IE that does make the browsing experience tabbed right now. No longer do you have to wait for IE7. Plus you get the added bonus of desktopsearch, auto form fill and a popupblocker. And it’s…

  • IE 7 around the corner…

    Looking back at my blog I see that I post a lot about Firefox. But there is another browser around that is even more popular. Yes, Internet Explorer! Unfortunately IE6 has been around since 2001(?) and hasn’t been updated since. Apart from the occasional Service Pack or Security Update, IE6 has basically remained the same…

  • Safe browsers don’t exist. True.

    According to David Sheets they don’t. He has written a column about the safety of browsers. And I think he’s right. Partialy… Safe browsers do NOT exist. Agreed. Just as bug-free software doesn’t exist. How hard you try, there is always a funny/strange/malicious kind of input possible, putting your normal day of business off. Due…

  • Favorite browser?

    Yesterday I furled a CNET article which declared Mozilla Firefox victorious. Ok, ok, firefox won from contenders like IE, Opera & Netscape (8). All of which I didn’t suit me. Here’s the real story. I’ve been using IE ever since IE3. Why? Well, I’ve won a cd-rom with IE3 along with a videotape of ‘The…