Category: Opera

  • Opera 9.0 Tech Preview 2

    Opera Labs: We’ve released a technology preview of Opera 9, codenamed Merlin, on Opera Labs. There are some very cool features we want you to try:  Widgets, BitTorrent, Customized Search, Content Blocker, Pop-up Blocker, Site Specific Preferences, Tab Thumbnail Preview. Robert Accettura’s Fun With Wordage » Blog Archive » Opera 9.0 Tech Preview 2: For…

  • Which Browsers matter in 2006?

    If you are planning to build or rebuild a site this year you may wonder at some point which browsers you should support. If not, you should! Just looking at your new design in IE 6 is no guarantee it works and behaves the same in any other browser. Not that long ago the browser…

  • Firefox: “The choice of criminals”

    If I may quote the ‘Alternative browsers pose challenge for cybersleuths‘ article by C|Net: Internet Explorer hides nothing from police and other investigators who examine PCs to discover which sites the user has visited, according to a class held Wednesday at the annual training meeting of the High Tech Crime Investigation Association. Investigators know the…

  • Happy Birthday Firefox

    A year ago, to the day, Firefox 1.0 was launched. So I guess a ‘happy birthday’ is in order. 😎 In the past year this little app shook up the browser world. Among some of the things accomplished are, in no particular order: Grab a larger than 10% marketshare. Exceeding the ‘promise’ made at launch.…

  • Opera giving away their browser for free

    You could have gotten a free copy of Opera on their 10th birthday already. But if you’ve missed that opportunity there’s some great news from Norway. Opera announced today it will be offering Opera for free! No more ad-banners and licensing fees. They will only charge you money for Premium Support. “Today we invite the…

  • Firefox & BitTorrent

    Opera supports it already. And now it seems it may be incorporated in Firefox as an extension. The FirePuddle extension is currently under development and it will be some time before a version for the general public will be available. Probably somewhere around the release of the next Firefox installment?

  • Get your free copy of Opera

    It seems you can get a free, registered copy of Opera 8.02 today. They’re probably giving away free copies because the browser is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Note: For one day only, you can get an ad-free version of Opera. Simply e-mail to obtain a click here to get a free registration code. This…

  • Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla

    IBM has published a lengthy article explaining how you can make your IE only site work in e.g. Firefox, Opera or Safari. The article handles browser, DOM, JavaScript, CSS, Event and XML differences. It even touches Quirks vs. Standards mode and Rich Text Editing. Ever have trouble getting your Internet Explorer-specific Web applications to work…

  • IE’s dead, hail the new King!

    … and the new king is ‘Longhorn‘! Well, not exactly, it’s RSS! I’ve watched the video, scanned Technorati, clicked on TechCrunch, taken a look at the IE Blog, re-visited C|Net, shivered at the Creative Commons Blog, read the last Gnomedex’r story, … What’s left? I say, Redmond got the idea late in the game. But…

  • The end of IE 5

    I’ve given up on IE 4 and Netscape 4 a while ago. Meaning I won’t do anything extra for them anymore. They’ll just have to take the page as-is, no unnecessary or fatal script errors though, but that’s where it ends. If it doesn’t work or looks horrible, too bad. So how about IE 5?…