Google Page Creator (Beta of course)
Normally I wouldn’t blog about yet another new Google product release. Now would I? 😉 Hey, I’m not the Googleblog you know. But this time they’ve released a product that lets my mother create webpages in no-time, although I doubt if anyone’s waiting for another bridge-site. (Sorry mom. :-)) So what is it? It’s an…
Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 Preview available
It’s public! So if you want to have a go take a look at the Internet Explorer 7 website. But before you do so, also take a look at the IEBlog: IE7 Beta 2 Preview Available Please send us your feedback on the IE7 Beta 2 Preview Please test your sites with IE7 Frequently Asked…
Olympic Imagery 2006
The Winter Olympics 2006 in Turin are going to break loose some time next week. In case you didn’t know. In any case I just found out about the new ‘identity’ of The Games. Poynter Online is running a small story about the visual identity: Knowing Your Audience: Lessons from Olympic Imagery Where the story…
Google Code: Web Authoring Statistics
Over at Google Code they ran a survey, in December 2005, looking at a couple of webpages trying to find out which elements and their respective attributes are used most. And more importantly how they are used. We took a sample of slightly over a billion documents, and looked at what elements were used on…
Which Browsers matter in 2006?
If you are planning to build or rebuild a site this year you may wonder at some point which browsers you should support. If not, you should! Just looking at your new design in IE 6 is no guarantee it works and behaves the same in any other browser. Not that long ago the browser…
Learning 101 – IKEA style
Don’t ask me how I got subscribed to Will’s Weblogg-ed. But reading today’s post on ‘Learning 101‘ leaves me with an ‘IKEA‘-feel to it. Especially: Use visuals! Use the filmaker (and novelist) principle of SHOW-don’t-TELL. Use “chunking” to reduce cognitive overhead. Don’t rob the learner of the opportunity to think! Context matters. … To name…
The Orange Icon, part 2
Microsoft has decided. The feed indicator in IE 7 is still orange! Most surprisingly it’s the same one that Firefox has. Well, not so much of a surprise, because it was the Mozilla foundation who kindly ‘donated’ it: Thanks again to the Mozilla team for making the icon available and helping us do the right…
Animated shorts
I love ’em! Especially the CGI kind. Having some experience with 3D apps, I know how time- and resource-consuming it is to make a perfect animation. Not to mention the skills needed. (Allright, stop-animation with clay is harder. Sorry Gromit. But I hear … they’re also turning to computers to speed up the workflow. Heresy,…
Yahoo! Local Maps Beta
Yahoo! Maps is offering a Beta version which is based on Flash! – shock & horror – What were they thinking? 😉 I do like it. It’s snappy, looks good and simply works. (hearing that MS?) Go see the Yahoo! Maps Beta for yourself. For instance check out the ubiquitous “Pizza in Redmond” sample. Hover…
The Orange Icon..
You know the one that signals a webfeed (formerly known as RSS or Atom). Over at Microsoft they’re pondering what new icon they should pick. Mind you, this single icon will be viewed by millions of upcoming IE 7 users. So all you usability guru’s, web designer, graphic designers, … if you have an alternative…