Category: Webdesign

  • Macromedia Studio 8 Trial software available

    The all new trial version of Studio 8 is available for download. As well as version 8 of Dreamweaver, Flash Basic & Pro and Fireworks.

  • Progressive layout

    My website definitely needs an overhaul. I’ve been using the default ‘Kubrik’ theme too long. Surely I could download and run another theme. But, being a webdeveloper/designer, that is beneath my standard ;-). Last may I stumbled on this concept of ‘Progressive layout’ by Alessandro Fulciniti. The concept is simple, build a ‘liquid’ or scalable…

  • Just a thought.

    The present: Most people come to you via a search engine (probably through Google, although Yahoo! is on the return). Some people come via Technorati, Bloglines or other RSS feed engine. And some are family, friends, co-workers, affiliates, … the people you meet in real life. All 6 of them. 😉 Given the state of…

  • Macromedia Studio 8

    If you were camping out in Siberia for the past year you may have missed the Adobe & Macromedia merger. Well, it boils down to a 3.5 BILLION dollar transaction in which Adobe takes over Macromedia. That is, IF the stockholders agree on August 24 and the DOJ does not intervene. Anyway, it did not…

  • Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia and Corbel

    These are the new ‘web’ fonts as described earlier. Looking at my stats I’ve seen an interest for downloading these fonts. No I don’t have them (for download). But, earlier this week the beta of Windows Vista was released… and so did the new fonts… look around. 😉 This is probably totally crossing the EULA.…

  • Firefox webdeveloper survival kit

    Today and probably the rest of the week I’ll have to work on a loaner. The trusty laptop has to go into shop for scrutiny and hopefully some repairs. 🙁 In the meanwhile I’m looking at this barren desktop of a semi-fresh Windows XP. I’m wondering, how am I going to cram Photoshop, Dreamweaver and…

  • Macromedia Podcast

    Macromedia have had blogs and feeds for some time. And now they’ve started a podcast service: Macromedia Developer Relations Podcast A discussion of Macromedia technologies and interviews with Macromedia employees. (Direct link to first podcast.) Thanks for the tip Fred!

  • WebDesign according to Google

    Just take a look at the first page at Google. There are 7 million hits and all the links on the first page stink. 🙁 How come? Is it the most abused keyword? 😕

  • A decade of WebDev.

    What did people do before there was the internet? Well, they … uhm… well there was tv and board games. You had to do stuff using pen (as opposed to an ink-cartridge) and paper. And I think you physically went to a store to buy stuff. But seriously, the World Wide Web (does anyone call…

  • Turning off the ‘friendly HTTP error messages’ in Firefox

    By accident I stumbled upon this Firefox somewhat equivalent of IE’s ‘Show friendly HTTP error messages’ option. Any webdeveloper should have this turned off by default. How else will you know what the problem is? So here’s how to do it: Open up a new tab (CTRL+T) or window (CTRL+N). Type in de addressbar: about:config.…