Google Sitemaps is working
As I’ve posted previously, I started ‘testing’ Google Sitemaps last week. So what have I done? I added my feeds first. They were there already so that didn’t take any effort. Next I added a plugin to my WordPress installation that would generate a sitemap automatically and added that one also. Now the big question.…
What do search engines see in my page?
Search engines are your ultimate blind visitors. They don’t see JavaScript, stumble over framesets, ignore CSS, feel around HTML-tags and leave them alone, choke on Flash. All they really want to see is content. And that content is plain text. Text that can be indexed, weighed, stored, chunked, ranked & retrieved. Or whatever it is…
Google Sitemaps weblog plugins
In the previous post I said that Google Sitemaps will accept your feeds just as well. And it does, no worries. But as I looked further into the dynamic generation of sitemaps I found there were WordPress plugins already available. (Just 3 days after the service went public. How’s that for a user community …)…
Google Sitemaps (Beta)
To let webmasters help Google index their site better there is Google Sitemaps. Sounds like a good idea. So how does it work? First you need to have a Google account (having a GMail account is probably enough). Second you need to create a Sitemap file in the root of your site. This is an…
IE 7 around the corner…
Looking back at my blog I see that I post a lot about Firefox. But there is another browser around that is even more popular. Yes, Internet Explorer! Unfortunately IE6 has been around since 2001(?) and hasn’t been updated since. Apart from the occasional Service Pack or Security Update, IE6 has basically remained the same…
Pingback/Trackback testing tool
A person I know, that will remain anonymous, has problems receiving trackbacks. So looking around Google I found this site: Red Alt – Ping-o-Mation What it basically does is: This tool checks to see if your blog has recently pinged Ping-o-Matic, or has sent a trackback to RedAlt. So what do I have to do?…
Viewing WAP sites with Firefox
In a follow up to my previous post about RSS2WAP I got curious. Is there a Firefox extension available that would enable me to view WAP sites? Well, yes there is! The wmlbrowser extension makes Firefox a fully-fledged WAP-browser. (See screenshot of the CitiWiz WAP site to the right) Although every mobile device will present…
RSS2Wap: Turn your feeds into WML.
Over at www.fredscapes.nl Fred is plea-ing that webloggers should care more about mobile devices (Dutch only). Although the number of mobile devices is rising and the technology for delivering content to those devices has been around for years, I still haven’t gotten any experience developing for mobile. Sure, my phone contains a WAP-browser. But the…
XTech 2005 Conference
This week, from 24 till 27 of may, the XTech 2005 Conference is held in the Amsterdam RAI. So what is it about? ” XTech 2005 is the premier European conference for developers and managers working with XML and Web technologies, bringing together the worlds of web development, open source, semantic web and open standards.…
Favorite browser?
Yesterday I furled a CNET article which declared Mozilla Firefox victorious. Ok, ok, firefox won from contenders like IE, Opera & Netscape (8). All of which I didn’t suit me. Here’s the real story. I’ve been using IE ever since IE3. Why? Well, I’ve won a cd-rom with IE3 along with a videotape of ‘The…