The Google Browser: Google Chrome (beta)
Looks like the Browser Wars have been rekindled with this new kid on the block. Yes, Google released their oft rumoured browser in the wild.More info on the Official Google Blog: A Fresh Take On The Browser. And for the technically inclined there’s a comicbook explaining it all. Or skip the hoopla and take Chrome for a testdrive…
“Thank you for taking the survey.†– 2008
A List Apart is repeating last years survey: Calling all designers, developers, information architects, project managers, writers, editors, marketers, and everyone else who makes websites. It is time once again to pool our information so as to begin sketching a true picture of the way our profession is practiced worldwide. Take the survey yourself at…
“Thank you for taking the survey.” part 2
Back in April A List Apart held a survey among people working in the ‘web-industry’: In April 2007, A List Apart and An Event Apart conducted a survey of people who make websites. Close to 33,000 web professionals answered the survey’s 37 questions, providing the first data ever collected on the business of web design…
Testing with IE6 and IE7 on a Single PC
Great news from the people who brought us Internet Explorer. They’ve released a Virtual PC image containing a time-limited WinXP SP2 with IE 6 for all our testing pleasure. No licensing required! And if you don’t have a copy of Virtual PC yet, they’ll give you Virtual PC 2004 for free to run it all.
IE7 Released
It’s official! Internet Explorer 7 is here, for the general public that is.
ThinkLemon Reset: Part 1.1 – Code Cleanup and Validation
After having thrown out the CSS last month, I’ve been messing with the templating code that make up this WordPress theme. Though the default Kubrick theme is great, it took me a while to get all bits sorted out. Some cleaning up, re-arranging, looking up, inline documenting, debugging, etc. led to what you’re looking at…
Get Firebug!
if ((bWebDeveloper || bWebDesigner) && bFirefox) { try { var oNewExtension = new cExtension(); oNewExtension.fetchXPI = fnFetchURL(“www.getfirebug.com”); oNewExtension.installXPI(); if (oNewExtension.success) { console.log(“Firebug installed successfully.”); var oFurtherOptions = getElementById(“divTellUser”); oFurtherOptions.innerHTML = “About FireBug” oFurtherOptions.innerHTML += “FireBug Screencast” oFurtherOptions.innerHTML += “FireBug Overview” } } catch(e) { throw “Next time Gadget, next time!” // Take a look at…
Visualising the DOM for fun
The Document Object Model, or DOM as it is known better, is usually visualised as a tree. For instance with the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar or DOM Inspector / Firebug for Firefox. But there are other more fun ways, like Aharef did.
Firefox ACID2 compliance on its way
Now, after Safari, iCab, Konqueror & Opera 9 beta, it’s Firefox’ turn to comply with the ACID2 test. David Baron has built a special development version of Firefox that fixes some rendering issues that kept it from complying before. You can see the screenshot of ACID2 in action on his Flickr account. Now, why is…
Photoshop + Fireworks: Where to from here?
John Nack on Adobe: Photoshop + Fireworks: Where to from here?: Now that Adobe and Macromedia have come together, we’re busily planning our next moves, and it would be great to get your input. If you’re a webdesigner/-developer this is an interesting read. Lots of thought for food here. (BTW, John Nack is the Senior…