Category: General

  • Performancing for Firefox

    I’m giving Performancing for Firefox a go, because Asa thinks it’s ‘kick ass’. We’ll see about that! Already crashed one time. But whether that’s because of a combination of this blog-tool, SpellBound and/or my online banking transaction in one go. Maybe… By the way: This isn’t the only in-browser 3rd party blogging tool I’ve seen.…

  • The Orange Icon, part 2

    Microsoft has decided. The feed indicator in IE 7 is still orange! Most surprisingly it’s the same one that Firefox has. Well, not so much of a surprise, because it was the Mozilla foundation who kindly ‘donated’ it: Thanks again to the Mozilla team for making the icon available and helping us do the right…

  • Other december 9 surprises

    Besides the release leakage of GE for Mac. take-over Like Yahoo! taking hold of Just as LookSmart did with Furl. Update: The take-over sounds a little strange to me as Yahoo! was working on it’s own with their My Web 2.0 BETA. Which can save ‘personal’ pages and tag them. We’ll see…

  • Google Earth Mac Beta

    After an evening of trying out the non-public beta of Google Earth for Mac OS X I must say… YES! Finally. 🙂 I, and a lot of Mac owners, have been eager to run this piece of software on a Mac. And now we can. Not officially, because the download page at still mentions…

  • Google Earth for Mac OS X around the corner…

    Or is it??? I’ve blogged about it before. Well, it was more a kind of ‘wishing out loud‘. But just yet the Google Earth fairy brought me a package. It looks, smells and tastes like a Mac app. Unfortunately I’m at work and my Mac is at home. So I cannot be sure. A quick…

  • No Christmas for Sony

    They have been very naughty this year 👿 What you say? BoingBoing started an online banner protest I happen to agree with. 🙂 Read all about the Sony DRM debacle on Mark Russinovich’s blog. There, I’ve done my good deed this year. Now can I have a PlayStation XBox 360?

  • Firefox 1.5 released

    YES!!! The long awaited sequel is here. Get the official update of Firefox. It’s available on Windows, OS X, Linux and some 20 odd language versions. 20 times 3 makes 60, not? See all versions. This release comes with a revamped preference panel, tabbed browsing enhancements, loads of bugfixes, faster back- and forward, … in…

  • Animated shorts

    I love ’em! Especially the CGI kind. Having some experience with 3D apps, I know how time- and resource-consuming it is to make a perfect animation. Not to mention the skills needed. (Allright, stop-animation with clay is harder. Sorry Gromit. But I hear … they’re also turning to computers to speed up the workflow. Heresy,…

  • {Canvas} demo

    If you’re viewing this post with a release candidate of Firefox 1.5, take a look at the below <canvas> demo. For now, you can only walk through a maze from a first person perspective. But it runs smooth and looks pretty impressive. See the “3D Walker” demo on Canvascape PS: It is rumored to work…

  • Exploring the earth from your couch, part 2

    Imagine yourself sitting down on your couch in front of your television, as usual. A drink in one hand, the TV remote in the other. Don’t worry, the chips are within reach. Within the press of a button, or two. You spin up a three dimensional globe and with the directional buttons on your remote…