Category: General

  • Google Analytics… *Big Yawn*

    So 48 hours after launch the site is at least reachable. But still no data to analyse. Thus no comparison. A vague memory begins to boil up, I have never, ever, seen any Urchin report before. Although previously encountered hostingproviders offered them… (I’m starting to see a trend here…) It’s beginning to look like, as…

  • Disruptive technology, the Firefox way

    No this isn’t about Firefox taking over the world. It’s about taking over my ‘browsing experience’. 🙁 Just moments ago I was minding my bussiness perusing stuff on the internet. When I suddenly was confronted with a popup. A popup? In Firefox??? Yes a popup, pleading me to restart Firefox… No thank you, I’m not…

  • Firefox: “The choice of criminals”

    If I may quote the ‘Alternative browsers pose challenge for cybersleuths‘ article by C|Net: Internet Explorer hides nothing from police and other investigators who examine PCs to discover which sites the user has visited, according to a class held Wednesday at the annual training meeting of the High Tech Crime Investigation Association. Investigators know the…

  • Happy Birthday Firefox

    A year ago, to the day, Firefox 1.0 was launched. So I guess a ‘happy birthday’ is in order. 😎 In the past year this little app shook up the browser world. Among some of the things accomplished are, in no particular order: Grab a larger than 10% marketshare. Exceeding the ‘promise’ made at launch.…

  • Extend Firefox Contest

    The Mozilla foundation kicked off a competition for Firefox extension developers (to be). So if you have an idea for an new extension or upgrade your existing one, take a look at the extend firefox contest. Do so before January 6, 2006. And it’s not for eternal fame only. There are some nice prices to…

  • Yahoo! Local Maps Beta

    Yahoo! Maps is offering a Beta version which is based on Flash! – shock & horror – What were they thinking? 😉 I do like it. It’s snappy, looks good and simply works. (hearing that MS?) Go see the Yahoo! Maps Beta for yourself. For instance check out the ubiquitous “Pizza in Redmond” sample. Hover…

  • Let’s make the Google API an open standard.

    Here’s a good idea: An open message to Microsoft and Yahoo, and major implementors of search engines: Please clone the Google API, without the limits.

  • Google Personalised Homepage getting more personal

    What didn’t deliver is what Google is taking a step further already. A Google Personalised Homepage in your native language with ‘local’ information sources. ‘Aboot’ the announcement: While Seattle’s pretty close, I’d prefer to have the actual weather for Victoria — and have it in Celsius. Now I can, because today we expanded the…

  • IE Developer Toolbar update

    The Developer Toolbar for IE has been updated. It’s been dubbed Beta 1 Refresh and does not seem to have more features. Bug-fixes only. Last time I was a bit critical/cynical. But this is one of the few toolbars, in IE, that still is holding on. Just for the ‘Resize’ function.

  • Windows Live Beta. Don’t bother…

    As the rest of the world is doing right now, I was going to drop my two cents on the new Windows Live Beta. But in this context Beta means Broken. Severely! It doesn’t work in Firefox, but worse, it also borks in IE. If you ask me, it’s a rush job. Because the hotshots…