Category: General

  • Firefox 1.0.7 released

    According to the release notes: Firefox 1.0.7 is a security and stability release. We strongly recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version. This version includes several security and stability fixes, including a fix for a reported buffer overflow vulnerability and a fix for a Linux shell command vulnerability. Get Firefox On a sidenote.…

  • Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar Beta vs Web Developer toolbar extension

    “Imitation the Sincerest Form of Flattery.” Or so they say. But I don’t know if this holds true when the imitating party is… Microsoft. Sorry Chris, it’s about time to move on to greener pastures. 😉 Why the sarcasm? Well, Microsoft released a beta of their Developer Toolbar for Internet Explorer. So? Well, that’s what…

  • Opera giving away their browser for free

    You could have gotten a free copy of Opera on their 10th birthday already. But if you’ve missed that opportunity there’s some great news from Norway. Opera announced today it will be offering Opera for free! No more ad-banners and licensing fees. They will only charge you money for Premium Support. “Today we invite the…

  • PocketMod: Not everything needs to be digital

    Why should you need a several hundred dollar/euro pocket organiser that’ll last for just one day on batterypower? Why not rethink paper? It’s been used for a few hundred years and still going strong. If you accidently drop or sit on it the interface it’s still readable and writable. No need to go look for…

  • Google Earth for Mac

    What’s keeping you (Google) guys? I know, 5% of an audience isn’t much of an audience to reckon with. And I could just whip out my Dell to play with GE. But as mentioned at launch: Apple Macintosh computers are not supported at this time (but we are working on it). I know 1,5 months…

  • Commercial ads inside Google Earth

    Here’s something I noticed lately. Advertisement through placemarks. I saw a few of these placemarks passing by on What struck me was that they are blatant commercial placemarks. Whether they were put together by GE enthousiasts or not. A few examples: Youthhostel YMCA Hong Kong Which states phonenumber and roomrates. Bungy Jumping Golden Eye…

  • Google Blog Search fixes referral keywords

    During the first ’24 hours’ of live beta, Google’s Blog Search was a nightmare for keyword tracking. Some of you noticed some weird referers showing up in their counter-tools. All this was caused by the redirects from the search results from Blog Search. This meant that anyone entering your site was leaving a referal from…

  • Macromedia Studio 8 Trial software available

    The all new trial version of Studio 8 is available for download. As well as version 8 of Dreamweaver, Flash Basic & Pro and Fireworks.

  • Google Blogsearch & Webfeeds

    At first look there are no orange XML/RSS chicklets in Google Blogsearch. But if you look at the bottom of the page just above the pagination there’s this line where you can subscribe to either an Atom or RSS feed for the search results. E.g.: “Thinklemon” search results in Atom and “Thinklemon” search results in…

  • Google Blogsearch

    Google launched a dedicated blog search engine today. You can read the FAQ here. It seems that Google also uses the engine for their free Blogger weblog service. Which makes me wonder how they will sift out the splogs, as Blogger is/was not willing to take down spam/autogenerated/offensive weblogs. Of course it’s beta. Need I…