Hell hasn’t frozen over, yet…
I know Apple didn’t mind if anyone were to install Windows (XP) on their new Intel Macs. But actively making it feasible by themselves? Apple – Boot Camp: More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS…
PocketMod, Hipster PDA or Ductster PDA
The PDA* market is becoming quite competitive it seems. Once a small niche, it looks to be ready for main-stream. There have been no mergers, buy-outs or busts … yet. But hey, it’s still an emerging market. Here’s the short-list: PocketMod: The Free Disposable Personal Organizer: Nice pocket-sized, folding design, but takes a while to…
Which Browsers matter in 2006?
If you are planning to build or rebuild a site this year you may wonder at some point which browsers you should support. If not, you should! Just looking at your new design in IE 6 is no guarantee it works and behaves the same in any other browser. Not that long ago the browser…
Google Earth Mac Beta
After an evening of trying out the non-public beta of Google Earth for Mac OS X I must say… YES! Finally. 🙂 I, and a lot of Mac owners, have been eager to run this piece of software on a Mac. And now we can. Not officially, because the download page at earth.google.com still mentions…
{Canvas} demo
If you’re viewing this post with a release candidate of Firefox 1.5, take a look at the below <canvas> demo. For now, you can only walk through a maze from a first person perspective. But it runs smooth and looks pretty impressive. See the “3D Walker” demo on Canvascape PS: It is rumored to work…
Exploring the earth from your couch, part 2
Imagine yourself sitting down on your couch in front of your television, as usual. A drink in one hand, the TV remote in the other. Don’t worry, the chips are within reach. Within the press of a button, or two. You spin up a three dimensional globe and with the directional buttons on your remote…
Google Earth for Mac, developers wanted…
Or so it seems. Google wants a Senior Macintosh Developer – Mountain View and/or a Macintosh Developer – Mountain View. I suggest any Mac-developer have a go and bring us… Google Earth for Mac. 🙂 You may be very familiar with some of our desktop products including Google Earth, Google Desktop, Picasa, and Google Talk.,…
Apple iBook. On Second Thoughts.
It’s officialy a month ago since I bought my 12″ Apple iBook. Coming from a WinTel world I must admit, it has been an overall positive experience. But there also have been some quirks I haven’t got used to. So here’s a short list of things I hate or love about my Mac: Dashboard is…
Comparing Apples and Lemons*
So how do you compare an Apple running OS X with a Windows based PC? Many a flame-war has started over this matter. Just a few examples: Apple geeks will tell you any PowerPC 0wnz Intel. But it seems Intel 0wnz Apple soon. Microsoft alledgedly has copied the Mac interface, in fact it was a…
Apple iBook. First impressions.
It has been a couple of days since I collected my iBook from the store. Mind you, it is my first personally owned Mac. And it has been fun exploring a new OS and fiddling with all the options on the machine. In fact it still is fun. 🙂 Everything I’ve thrown at it so…