The Orange Icon, part 2
Microsoft has decided. The feed indicator in IE 7 is still orange! Most surprisingly it’s the same one that Firefox has. Well, not so much of a surprise, because it was the Mozilla foundation who kindly ‘donated’ it: Thanks again to the Mozilla team for making the icon available and helping us do the right…
Let’s make the Google API an open standard.
Here’s a good idea: An open message to Microsoft and Yahoo, and major implementors of search engines: Please clone the Google API, without the limits.
The Orange Icon..
You know the one that signals a webfeed (formerly known as RSS or Atom). Over at Microsoft they’re pondering what new icon they should pick. Mind you, this single icon will be viewed by millions of upcoming IE 7 users. So all you usability guru’s, web designer, graphic designers, … if you have an alternative…
Google Blog Search fixes referral keywords
During the first ’24 hours’ of live beta, Google’s Blog Search was a nightmare for keyword tracking. Some of you noticed some weird referers showing up in their counter-tools. All this was caused by the redirects from the search results from Blog Search. This meant that anyone entering your site was leaving a referal from…
Google Blogsearch & Webfeeds
At first look there are no orange XML/RSS chicklets in Google Blogsearch. But if you look at the bottom of the page just above the pagination there’s this line where you can subscribe to either an Atom or RSS feed for the search results. E.g.: “Thinklemon” search results in Atom and “Thinklemon” search results in…
Just a thought.
The present: Most people come to you via a search engine (probably through Google, although Yahoo! is on the return). Some people come via Technorati, Bloglines or other RSS feed engine. And some are family, friends, co-workers, affiliates, … the people you meet in real life. All 6 of them. 😉 Given the state of…
Atom 1.0 specs official
The Internet Engineering Taskforce has decided: It’s official, Atom 1.0 is here. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-atompub-format-11.txt
Enough with the RSS, just call it webfeeds!
I’ve been following the ‘discussion’ a.k.a. mud-slinging for some time now. And sorry for mister Winer, but it’s everything against the name. Acronyms are fine, just as long as there’s something simple to back it up. A CD is a shiny silver disc that holds (expensive) music. A DVD is a shiny silver disc that…
RSS Statistical facts
While we’re on the subject of RSS. It appears that “only 2% of online adults and 5% of online teens in North America use RSS, according to Forrester.” They are also mainly male, spend more time online than non-RSS readers, technically interested, surf broadband and/or wireless, mainly read news, research products and publish/maintain blogs. (In…
RSS Ping
Here’s something interesting: RSS Ping combines RSS item metadata with site update information. It enhances the current ping specification, adding information about exactly what has been updated or published, with the notification that something has been updated. RSS Ping reduces the need to revisit or work done by aggregators and search engines when revisiting the…