Yahoo! Maps is offering a Beta version which is based on Flash! – shock & horror – What were they thinking? 😉
I do like it. It’s snappy, looks good and simply works. (hearing that MS?) Go see the Yahoo! Maps Beta for yourself.
For instance check out the ubiquitous “Pizza in Redmond” sample. Hover & click to see more info. Nice. Although at the largest zoom-level you won’t find anything.
Another nice feature is Live Traffic with which you’ll get up-to-date traffic info like congestions and construction work details. Now all they need to do is add the rest of the world and of course satellite imagery. Take a look at the features overview.
How about an API you ask? Here are the Yahoo! Maps Developer APIs.
Also see TechCrunch’s story on the Yahoo! Maps Beta and WeBreakStuff’s first look .
On a sidenote: Is it the time of the year or what? It seems everyone is releasing stuff like crazy.