Don’t ask me how I got subscribed to Will’s Weblogg-ed. But reading today’s post on ‘Learning 101‘ leaves me with an ‘IKEA‘-feel to it. Especially:
- Use visuals!
- Use the filmaker (and novelist) principle of SHOW-don’t-TELL.
- Use “chunking” to reduce cognitive overhead.
- Don’t rob the learner of the opportunity to think!
- Context matters.
- …
To name a few. This makes you wonder why so many people are still figuring out how they will ever finish their newly bought ‘Billy‘… Hold on:
- Emotion matters!
- Since stress/anxiety can reduce focus and memory, do everything possible to make the learner feel relaxed and confident.
Maybe it’s time to replace the paper instructions with something else… *Surpressing the* *REAL HARD*