Normally I wouldn’t blog about yet another new Google product release. Now would I? 😉 Hey, I’m not the Googleblog you know.
But this time they’ve released a product that lets my mother create webpages in no-time, although I doubt if anyone’s waiting for another bridge-site. (Sorry mom. :-))
So what is it?
It’s an easy-to-use webpage publishing system. It’s easy as point & click to start creating pages, all with the familiar Google GUI as used in GMail/Base/Reader/etc. The site is currently coupled with your GMail account, meaning your mail username is also used to address the site. You’ll get a 100MB of space, so that should be enough to build a photoalbum or the likes. Uploads are handled beautifully by the way. And linking to other pages or sites is automatically checked, so it’s hard to make a mistake there.
Take a look at some screenshots below.
The page editor, which I’m quite taken with:
And look at the end result: (performance is a bit flakey, reload when 404’ed)
What about Blogger then?
According to the ‘Google Introduces Web Page Creator‘ article on Search Engine Watch:
Rosenstein says that Google Page Creator is aimed at people who are interested in publishing a simple, relatively static web site, whereas Blogger is designed for people who want to post frequently, with regularly changing content.
Now if they should mix and match both services and made it possible to publish (via FTP) to ones own domain, things should be quite interesting.
Thanks to Matt Cutts for the head-up.