The Google Browser: Google Chrome (beta)
Looks like the Browser Wars have been rekindled with this new kid on the block. Yes, Google released their oft rumoured browser in the wild.More info on the Official Google Blog: A Fresh Take On The Browser. And for the technically inclined there’s a comicbook explaining it all. Or skip the hoopla and take Chrome for a testdrive…
Set a Firefox 3 download record at Download Day 2008
Always wanted to set a Guinness World Record? Well, now you can by simply downloading the soon to be released version 3 of the Firefox webbrowser. You don’t even have to install it. A download will suffice, thank you. But while you’re at it, why not give it a try. How do you participate? Go…
- does not equal 2.0.0.*?
Here’s a weird Firefox add-on installation error-message: Looks like Firefox 2.0.0.x isn’t the same as Update: Fixed it with some notes from AMO a.k.a. version-number hacking.
Testing with IE6 and IE7 on a Single PC
Great news from the people who brought us Internet Explorer. They’ve released a Virtual PC image containing a time-limited WinXP SP2 with IE 6 for all our testing pleasure. No licensing required! And if you don’t have a copy of Virtual PC yet, they’ll give you Virtual PC 2004 for free to run it all.
MSN …ehr… Live Local Virtual Earth 3D (Beta)
Apparently it’s live. A 3D extension to the map search of live.com which lets you fly through their maps like a bird.
Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Released
And another official one down! Less than a week ago Microsoft upped their browser to a 7.0 version. This time it’s the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla Firefox is now a 2.0.
IE7 Released
It’s official! Internet Explorer 7 is here, for the general public that is.
Get Firebug!
if ((bWebDeveloper || bWebDesigner) && bFirefox) { try { var oNewExtension = new cExtension(); oNewExtension.fetchXPI = fnFetchURL(“www.getfirebug.com”); oNewExtension.installXPI(); if (oNewExtension.success) { console.log(“Firebug installed successfully.”); var oFurtherOptions = getElementById(“divTellUser”); oFurtherOptions.innerHTML = “About FireBug” oFurtherOptions.innerHTML += “FireBug Screencast” oFurtherOptions.innerHTML += “FireBug Overview” } } catch(e) { throw “Next time Gadget, next time!” // Take a look at…
Firefox ACID2 compliance on its way
Now, after Safari, iCab, Konqueror & Opera 9 beta, it’s Firefox’ turn to comply with the ACID2 test. David Baron has built a special development version of Firefox that fixes some rendering issues that kept it from complying before. You can see the screenshot of ACID2 in action on his Flickr account. Now, why is…
Extend Firefox Contest Winners
The grand prize winners of the Extend Firefox competition are in. One of them is the one I use on a daily basis. In fact it’s the biggest reason why I’m using Firefox as my main browser. Props to Chris! 🙂 But IMHO the Web Developer toolbar is only usefull for us web developers (and…