Meteor falls on YouTube
While I’m still working on the SEIS database update for Google Earth, I thought I’d just entertain you with some spectacular stuff available on YouTube. It turns out that the number one video site on the web has some interesting footage of meteors. Here’s a short list of what I’ve encountered thus far.
Major Google Earth Update (Maps to follow)
Read all about it on the Official Google Blog: Happy Birthday, Google Earth: We got so excited around here about the first anniversary of Google Earth that we decided to celebrate a bit early. Beginning today, you can download a brand new version, Google Earth 4. Running on OS X? Feel the love. Prefer Linux?…
“Sanka, you dead?”
“Ya man.” 😉 (Cool Runnings, 1993) Why such a post-title, you ask? For one I haven’t updated the site for a while. Well, I haven’t posted in a while, been doing some behind-the-scenes-stuff though (fixed the 404, changed the background, updated to WP 2.0.2, positioned some impact craters, etc.). So it’s about time for a…
Google Earth: Suspected Earth Impact Sites March 2006 update (KML)
The IFSG released a new database containing all the known suspected earth impact craters. I could not stay behind and updated the collection for Google Earth. Download the March 2006 edition of the SEIS database (200KB KML). So if you happen to discover some craters yourself, now you can check if it’s in the collection…
Google Earth for Mac, update (3.1.0617.0)
The PC version of Google Earth has been out of beta for some time. The first beta of GE for the Mac was released around the same time. And now we have an update. 🙂 First look tells me it solved a few bugs with the previous beta. Icons are showing, polygons are showing, it’s…
Google Earth: Suspected Earth Impact Sites (KML)
NOTICE: The KML has been updated. A while ago I found the Impact Field Studies Group: … The overall intent in forming IFSG is to bring together widely-separated researchers doing work at a variety of impact crater locations to share the observations and field experience for the common good of the impact community. What’s most…
Google Earth for Mac, download now
It’s official! Google Earth for the Mac is here. While Google Earth for the PC was stripped off its beta status, they’ve also released the Mac version. You’ll need OS X 10.4 and up (see the requirements). Get Google Earth for Mac (or PC) Read the official anouncement and Stefan from Ogle Earth already has…
Google Earth Mac Beta
After an evening of trying out the non-public beta of Google Earth for Mac OS X I must say… YES! Finally. 🙂 I, and a lot of Mac owners, have been eager to run this piece of software on a Mac. And now we can. Not officially, because the download page at earth.google.com still mentions…
Google Earth for Mac OS X around the corner…
Or is it??? I’ve blogged about it before. Well, it was more a kind of ‘wishing out loud‘. But just yet the Google Earth fairy brought me a package. It looks, smells and tastes like a Mac app. Unfortunately I’m at work and my Mac is at home. So I cannot be sure. A quick…
Exploring the earth from your couch, part 2
Imagine yourself sitting down on your couch in front of your television, as usual. A drink in one hand, the TV remote in the other. Don’t worry, the chips are within reach. Within the press of a button, or two. You spin up a three dimensional globe and with the directional buttons on your remote…